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Post has published by Sourena
What Happened game

What does it take, to break the abyss into pieces? What does it take, to create infinity?

Post has published by Sourena
Insanity is the most creative of subconsciousness. Simply because of the fact that there are no boundaries for a mind without restraint. Without restraint, as it creates chamber upon chamber of unending pain and suffering for the soul unfortunate enough...
What Happened game

Enter Jimmy, The bully of the hallways

Post has published by Sourena
Every hero needs a nemesis. Every victim needs a torturer. Jimmy is neither. Jimmy is eighteen years old. He is in the last year of highschool. He is a bully, here’s why: Jimmy is a member of the baseball team....
What Happened game

Merry Christmas. Come, let us darken your mood a little.

Post has published by Sourena
Merry is a generous word. How lucky are you to feel a tiny drop of merriment in a world full of darkness and suffering?   What if you spent every hour of every day, consciously making a hell out of...
What Happened game

Cold will creep through the broken walls… Fear will run a chill down your spine.

Post has published by Sourena
Broken is the home of a broken Mind. What Happened will take you on a scroll through the freezing, ruined chambers of your imagination. The last, crawling, desperate remnants of thought and sanity manifest themselves, and you must sail through...
What Happened game

How deep can you go? How courageous can you get?

Post has published by Sourena
Nightmares crawl on the walls of your own making. Your own mind races to trap you in an unending prison. Can you break free? The darkness calls to you from inside your head. With every step, you sink deeper and...

Screenshot #1: Hallway

Post has published by Sourena
Many among you have taken steps along some place akin to these hallways. Many of you have bitter and sweet memories from that walk. It looks innocent and average. Everything’s in order and filled with cheerful children. But you’d be...
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